Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

about education system is islam

About education is islam.
We have to understand and believe that Islam is not just a religion ruhiyah governing worship rituals but it is an ideology that has a system of beliefs or Shari'a universal, covering all aspects of life and be able to solve all the problems that occur in human beings. Allah explains in Surat an-Nahl: 89 that the Qur'an was revealed to explain everything, this means nothing unless there are rules and explanation in Islam, including in terms of education.
Problem study received considerable attention in Islam for education, including the most fundamental human needs, ilmulah which measures human glory than any other creature. Allah explains in the Qur'an: "Say (Muhammad) whether the same people who are not knowledgeable with (TQS. Az Aumar: 9), or in another verse:" God removed (the degree of) those who believe among you and those who were given some degree of knowledge. "(TQS. Al Mujadalah: 11), and reinforced by the words of the Prophet:" Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim "(HR. Ibn Adi and Baihaqi).
Remarks stressed that seeking knowledge is an obligation for all Muslims and not for mere prestige.
    Prophet has taught the laws of Islam to the Muslims as a whole without distinguishing dignity, age or gender. Imam Bukhari revealed "Teaching the Prophet to his people, both men and women about anything that has been taught by God to him is not the result of an opinion or an imitation".
    The attention given by the Prophet not only in theology but he had been allowed to learn the knowledge of a general nature, such as engineering science, engineering, agriculture, medicine and so on. He has sent two companions to Yemen to learn the technique of making advanced weapons the moment is dabbabah (a type of tank). He also encourages women to learn the science of weaving, write and care for the sick (treatment) as Ash-Shifa 'bintii Abdullah instructed to teach Hafsah writing and medicine. In addition, he instructed the parents to teach their children swimming, archery and horse riding, which passed during the reign of Caliph Umar bin Khattab (Tarbiyatul Aulad fil Islam: Abdullah Alwan).
    All of this indicates the permissibility studying general science, even including the obligatory kifayah when desperately needed by the people. But to study these sciences is required in order to learn the knowledge about Islam first as a basis for teaching Islam, when Muslims perform a aktivias is within the framework of worship to God so as not to break the rules that have been established.
    Islam definitely make the purpose of education is to give birth to human beings Islamic personality (patterned fikir and soulless Islami) and provided him with knowledge pertaining to life (Nidzamul Islam: An Nabhaniy), so the lesson delivery methods designed to support the achievement of these goals. Thus, education in Islam is not merely a 'transfer of knowledge' without seeing the influence on attitudes and behavior.
    To achieve the intended goal, the curriculum is the basis of education should receive serious attention and careful thought. Islamic Aqeedah is the sole foundation for the curriculum, so it is not allowed to enter the teachings outside the curriculum. The doctrine of monotheism and the Shari'ah as nidzamul life (rule of life) is a major portion given from the ground level, while the sciences were charged new foreign ideology is taught at the college level after Islam is studied as a whole, and even then not to be implemented, but to recognize the damage and for the next mistake denied. Such a system would not provide the opportunity for foreign tsaqofah to poison the thinking of Muslims. In college will also be opened in different directions, both in branches of Islamic sciences and general sciences. For applied sciences such as engineering and the like are taught according to the needs and are not bound by level of education.
    The language used as an introduction to education is Arabic so that every Muslim must learn, even Imam Shafi'i in the book Ar Risalah fi Usul Ilmi says "Allah requires all people to learn spoken Arabic diligently and earnestly to understand the content of the Qur'an and to worship ".
The education system like this will generate intellectual who not only experts in their field but also faqih fiddiin and personality of Islam, it will not appear meaningful separation between religion and worldly knowledge that will be realization of an Islamic society plenary.
In addition to the duty, education is also the right of every citizen of the Islamic state-kufr dzimmy, then the government / Deputy must fulfill that right and require simplicity, by pressing for as little as possible, even if it could be free of charge for the state are parties most responsible taking care of the needs of its people. Messenger of Allah said: "And a priest is a shepherd / leader and he will be held accountable for the people they lead." (HR. Syaikhan Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud from Ibn 'Umar).
Prophet-as head of state has made education strategy and encourage the Muslims to study for free. At the beginning of the Islamic government in Madinah, he requires that every prisoner of war of Badr to teach 10 Muslims as ransom. From this it can be withdrawn law that the cost of education and the teaching of which is borne by the state pilgrims rights. It was continued by Caliphs after giving salaries to the teachers of the treasury to a certain amount, such as the Caliph Umar bin Khattab who gave salary 15 dinar ( 63.75 grams of gold) each month.
States are also obliged to provide all educational facilities and infrastructure, such as libraries, laboratories, bookstores, mass media and so on. Nevertheless, the private sector was also allowed to provide educational facilities. How many of the scholars of the Muslims prior vying open madrassas visited by many students. This opportunity does not apply to foreigners who are not citizens of an Islamic state. they are not allowed to open educational institutions, so that the purity of faith, civilization and Islamic culture is maintained.
Islamic education system that has been run over the centuries since the time of the Prophet and Caliphs later periods, especially past four caliphs and Khulafa al Abbasid be the key to success is delivering the glory of the Muslims, became the center of science and technology world.
Indeed, the problem of education is just one of the many problems of the people now, and Islam has given the answers were so detailed and thorough, but can an education system that has proven reliability can be implemented without the Islamic system that bases the rules of life only to Islam?.


ialah tersebut tetap merujuk pada tiga jenis zat yang sama. Narkoba merupakan singkatan dari Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Bahan Adiktif lainnya. Terminologi narkoba familiar digunakan oleh aparat penegak hukum; seperti polisi (termasuk didalamnya Badan Narkotika Nasional), jaksa, hakim dan petugas Pemasyarakatan. Selain narkoba, sebutan lain yang menunjuk pada ketiga zat tersebut adalah Napza yaitu Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif. Istilah napza biasanya lebih banyak dipakai oleh para praktisi kesehatan dan rehabilitasi. Akan tetapi pada intinya pemaknaan dari kedua ist
Menurut UU No.22 Tahun 1997 tentang Narkotika disebutkan pengertian Narkotika adalah Narkotika adalah “zat atau obat yang berasal dari tanaman atau bukan tanaman baik sintetis maupun semi sintetis yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan atau perubahan kesadaran, hilangnya rasa, mengurangi sampai menghilangkan rasa nyeri, dan dapat menimbulkan ketergantungan”.
Psikotropika adalah “zat atau obat, baik alamiah maupun sintetis bukan narkotika, yang berkhasiat psikoaktif melalui pengaruh selektif pada susunan saraf pusat yang menyebabkan perubahan khas pada aktivitas mental dan perilaku”. Bahan adiktif lainnya adalah “zat atau bahan lain bukan narkotika dan psikotropika yang berpengaruh pada kerja otak dan dapat menimbulkan ketergantungan”
Meskipun demikian, penting kiranya diketahui bahwa tidak semua jenis narkotika dan psikotropika dilarang penggunaannya. Karena cukup banyak pula narkotika dan psikotropika yang memiliki manfaat besar di bidang kedokteran dan untuk kepentingan pengembangan pengetahuan.Menurut UU No.22 Tahun 1997 dan UU No.5 Tahun 1997, narkotika dan psikotropika yang termasuk dalam Golongan I merupakan jenis zat yang dikategorikan illegal. Akibat dari status illegalnya tersebut, siapapun yang memiliki, memproduksi, menggunakan, mendistribusikan dan/atau mengedarkan narkotika dan psikotropika Golongan I dapat dikenakan pidana sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang
a. Jenis narkotika terdiri dari 3 golongan :
 1. Golongan I : Narkotika yang hanya dapat digunakan untuk tujuan pengembangan ilmu     pengetahuan dan tidak digunakan dalam terapi, serta mempunyai potensi sangat tinggi mengakibatkan ketergantungan. Contoh : Heroin, Kokain, Ganja.
2. Golongan II : Narkotika yang berkhasiat pengobatan, digunakan sebagai pilihan terakhir dan dapat digunakan dalam terapi dan / atau untuk tujuan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan serta mempunyai potensi tinggi mengakibatkan ketergantungan. Contoh : Morfin, Petidin.
3. Golongan III : Narkotika yang berkhasiat pengobatan dan banyak digunakan dalam terapi dan /  atau tujuan pengebangan ilmu pengetahuan serta mempunyai potensi ringan   mengakibatkan ketergantungan. Contoh : Codein.
b. Jenis-jenis psikotropika :
  1.   Golongan I : Psikotropika yang hanya dapat digunakan untuk tujuan ilmu pengetahuan dan tidak digunakan dalam terapi, serta mempunyai potensi kuat mengakibatkan sindroma ketergantungan. Contoh : Ekstasi.
  2.     Golongan II : Psikotropika yang berkhasiat pengobatan dan dapat digunakan dalam terapi dan / atau untuk tujuan ilmu pengetahuan serta mempunyai potensi kuat mengakibatkan sindroma ketergantungan. Contoh : Amphetamine.
  3.    Golongan III : Psikotropika yang berkhasiat pengobatan dan banyak digunakan dalam terapi dan / atau untuk tujuan ilmu pengetahuan serta mempunyai potensi sedang mengakibatkan sindroma ketergantungan. Contoh : Phenobarbital.
  4.     Golongan IV : Psikotropika yang berkhasiat pengobatan dan sangat luas digunakan dalam terapi dan / atau untuk tujuan ilmu pengetahuan serta mempunyai potensi ringan mengakibatkan sindroma ketergantungan. Contoh : Diazepam, Nitrazepam ( BK, DUM ).